Saturday, December 18, 2010

JEROME News - 31 May 1894

Daily Iowegian - 31 May 1894
  Dr Sawyers & Bowen of Centerville and Dr Kirkpatrick of Plano and Dr Hall of Jerome operated on Mr L Buck last Friday. Mr Buck had his back broke in one of the mines. He is improving slowly.
  Jerome is in the midst of a revival. Mr White has erected a large tent and there will be preaching for a month; some noted evangelist from Kansas City will help him. The meetings began Sunday night with a large crowd.
  The mayor of Mystic received a bogus telegram Sunday that the Missouri branch of Kelly's army were on their way to Mystic by wagon road the mayor sent the marshal up Sunday but he failed to find any  of Kelley's followers, so the mayor came up Monday and he also was in the soup. We congratulate Mystic on having such bright officers.
  Mr Elvin Ivans [Owen] was home last week for a vacation. Mr I is traveling for a St Louis Vinegar Factory.
  The frame work of John Whites new house is now finished.
  Jim Loughridge and Dr Hall attended the high school commencement Friday night at Centerville.
  Dr O A Cover of Philadelphia, Penn, and John Hays of Centerville visited Jerome Friday. Dr Cover came over from Seymour, where he has located to practice medicine and is going to make a specialty of surgery. The Dr has spent several years in college and hospital work having graduated at Baltimore and Philadelphia. He was Dr Sawyers' partner last summer and attended to his large practice while the Dr attended the World's fair. We congratulate the citizens of Seymour and vicinity on securing as able a surgeon as Dr Cover.
  Donald Forsythe was on sick list last week.
  Several of Jerome ball players attended the Forbush-Centerville game Thursday at Centerville.
  Mr Wales' new house is rapidly being erected under the skill of Mr Wales and Dennis of Mystic.
  M F Allin has moved into James Buck's new house and the Jerome Clover Club will give a ball Friday night in Allin's Hall; a large crowd is expected as the club has gone to big expense in arranging for a grand time.
  Mr Clarance Ballman [Bollman] and Miss Anna Sedwick [Sedgwick] were united in marriage at the bride's home Sunday eve by Rev Loughridge; a large crowd were present and a delightful evening was spent by all. The presents were numerous and the occasion will long be remembered.
  Hotel De Hazlewood is in the hands of Mr Shorter, our genial plasterer, who will do the job justice.
  Jim Buck and Jim Barton have the contract for Mr Newt Moore's new house east of Jerome.
  Miss Etta Holland of Promise City is visiting at Miss May Bucks. Frank and John are out every night.
  John Lowey [Lowry] has the addition to his store completed which makes it one of the best buildings in Jerome.
  Mr Will Oughton is improving his place with a new fence.
  Red Ribbon club gave a refined entertainment: Mr Jim Loughridge sang a solo that pleased the audience.
  Mr Lewis and Crego were in Jerome on business Monday. Mr Crego has one of those trained dogs and gave an exhibition at the Hotel De Hazlewood. The children were all amused.

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